2021-2022 Awards & Scholarships Committee Report

The Awards and Scholarships Committee oversees awards and scholarships that are sponsored and co-sponsored by the Faculty Association, as well as the events celebrating FA award recipients. As Co-Chairs, we are assisted this year by committee members Cora Gilroy, Susan Graham, Krishna Thakur, Raquel Hoersting, and Armin Bodaghkhani.

During a virtual FA Time on April 8th, we will celebrate the 2021 Faculty Association entrance scholarship recipients and medalists. Thanks to the support of the Social committee, members will be picking up delicious appetizers later this afternoon to enjoy during the event. Our Entrance Scholarship recipients are Emma Ledgerwood and Liam Kelly. Recipients of the Undergraduate Medals are Bronze Medal – Grace Burns; Silver Medal – Allison Winters; and Gold Medal – Desiree Rehel. The Graduate Medal is awarded to Meagan Walker.  We invite all FA members to join us on Zoom to celebrate the accomplishments of these students at 5:00 today. For our new members, the entrance scholarships and medal awards are funded entirely by the Faculty Association, including through individual contributions by members. If you are interested in supporting our awards, go to the UPEIFA website https://upeifa.ca/get-involved/donate/ for details on how to set up a donation through payroll deduction. 

At the time of writing this report, nominations for FA Member Awards are about to close with files being turned over to the four adjudication sub-committees. You may have noticed a call for nominations for Hessian Merit Awards for Excellence in Teaching for Sessional and Full-time members was issued every semester this year, including summer sessions.  This is in recognition that colleagues in some programs are teaching year-round.  

We would not be able to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and colleagues without the service of quite a few people. We have four sub-committees that will be adjudicating nominations our FA awards in the coming few weeks. We’d like to acknowledge these FA members for the careful consideration they give to these nominations. Amy MacFarlane is chairing the Hessian Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching Subcommittee, joined by Rachelle Gauthier, Grant McSorley, Krishna Thakur, Gail Macartney, Simon Lloyd, Chris Vessey, and Richard Raiswell. The Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement Subcommittee is chaired by Edward Chung with Carolyn Thorne, Mike MacLellan, Christina Murray, Emily John, Aitazaz Farooque, and Kim Mears also serving on this sub-committee. Our third subcommittee for the Merit Award for Outstanding Service is chaired by Laurie Brinklow, joined by Lara Cusack, Xiao Chen, Kuljeet Grewal, MacKenzie Johnson and Christopher Power. Finally, our fourth sub-committee for the Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership will be adjudicated by Jason Pearson as chair and committee members Sue Dawson, Philip Smith, Libby Osgoode, Andrew Carrothers, Kathy Snow, and Patrice Drake. We appreciate the time and care dedicated to the adjudication of awards and we are looking forward to celebrating this year’s recipients.

As we wrap-up this report, we are happy to let members know about plans for our annual Faculty Recognition Celebration on Wednesday May 4, 2022, at the Charlottetown Rodd Hotel. We will be celebrating our FA award recipients as well as recognizing retirees and tickets will be available in the next week or so.  We hope to have an excellent turnout so keep an eye on your email in-box.  You don’t want to miss out on tickets. After a two-year hiatus on in-person award celebrations, it promises to be an exceptional event.

By Charlene VanLeeuwen (Co-Chair) & Nadja Bressan (Co-Chair)

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