2023-2024 Awards and Scholarships Committee Report

The Awards and Scholarships Committee oversees awards and scholarships that are sponsored and co-sponsored by the Faculty Association, as well as the events celebrating FA award recipients.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the hard work and efforts of the Chair of this committee from May 2023 – February 2024, Nadja Bressan. Nadja departed her UPEI role to accept the position of Associate Dean for the Owen Sound Campus and Centre for Marine Training and Research at Georgian College. We wish her the best in her new role and will miss her!

The Awards and Scholarships Committee was assisted this year by committee members Cora Gilroy, Shannon Murray, Krishna Thakur, Sarah Hewko, Shannon Murray, Walaa Nasry, and Bill Stoughton.

An FA Time and Student Awards Night was held on January 23, 2024 at the Trailside to celebrate the recipients of medals and scholarships. The Entrance Scholarship recipients were Tanner Fleming and Ava Perry. Recipients of the Undergraduate Medals are Bronze Medal –Rong Hu; Silver Medal –Briana Marie Creed; and Gold Medal – Debby Temitayo Ige. The Graduate Master Medal was awarded to Bailey Clark and the Doctoral Medal to Svenja Kopper. 

If you are interested in supporting our awards, go to the UPEIFA website https://www.upeifa.ca/get-involved/donate/ for details on how to set up a donation through payroll deduction. 

At the time of writing this report, nominations for FA Member Awards are being adjudicated by the following subcommittees:

  • Hessian Merit Award for Excellence in Teaching: Catherine Creighton (Chair), Sara Sadri, Chris Vessey, Katie MacDonald, Enooyaq Sudlovenick, and Margie Burns.
  • Merit Award for Scholarly Achievement Subcommittee: Bill Whelan (Chair), Margie Burns, James Polson, Edward CHung. Melissa James, Aitazaz Farooque, and Emily John. 
  • Merit Award for Outstanding Service: Sundeep Singh (Chair), Kuljeet Grewal, Mackenzie Johnson, Lara Cusak, Chris Power, and Xiao Chen.
  • Janet Pottie Murray Award for Educational Leadership: Sam Kolahgar (Chair) David Varis, Kenneth MacKinnon, Nazanin Behzadan, Scott Cassidy, and Suzanne Rath. 

We appreciate the time and care dedicated to the adjudication of awards and we are looking forward to celebrating this year’s recipients.

The Faculty Association Celebration Night is currently being planned where we will celebrate our FA award recipients as well as retirees.

Submitted by Kim Mears
Chairs, Awards and Scholarships Committee

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