2023 vs 2006 Strike Vote Results

Now that you’ve had a chance to absorb the results from our strike vote, we wanted to dive into them a bit more to put them in perspective.

85% of FA members participated in the recent strike vote with 83% of participants voting to provide the UPEIFA Executive Committee and Negotiations Team with a strong strike mandate. That is an incredible level of support and one that send a powerful message to the UPEI Board of Governors that business as usual is simply unacceptable.

For comparison, in the strike vote leading up the 2006 strike, 74% of FA members participated in the strike vote with 84% of participants voting in support of the strike mandate. Keep in mind that this is the round of negotiations that lead to a significant reduction in FA members’ workload as well as greater wage parity with the region.

A summary of the 2006 strike vote results [PDF] is available on the UPEIFA website.

It is important to keep something else in mind. Over 50% of our colleagues are contract academic staff who have little job security and are often not provided with the resources they need to maintain a continuous relationship with our institution. Despite this, 85% of FA members chose to participate in our latest strike vote. This is a significant improvement over 2006 and an amazing achievement!

Our strike vote demonstrates that FA members are not only overwhelmingly invested in this round of negotiations, they are also overwhelmingly behind their negotiations team. This is precisely the sort of mandate that your team needs to encourage the UPEI Board of Governors to reach a fair and reasonable agreement.

FA members are standing together to improve our working conditions and our students’ learning conditions!


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